Who We Are

The International Association of Marine Consultants and Surveyors (IAMCS) was formed on 2015. This section provides an insight into the brief history of the Association, its objectives and declared mission. It also provides information on the people who are the main driving force behind the Association.

Aims of the association

  • Represent and promote the interests of the Association's members to the local and international communities
  • Foster close co-operation among Members of the Association
  • Participate actively in community programmers
  • Strengthen co-operation among various sectors of the maritime industry
  • Advocate and lobby on behalf of members and the industry
  • Focus on safety performance and provide tools for continuous improvement
  • Raise awareness of and drive improved environmental performance
  • Provide members with advisory services and networking forums


As an Association

The Association will protect and promote the interests of its members. It will undertake maritime related activities which are relevant and beneficial to its members.

For the Industry

The Association will take the view of the maritime industry as a whole. it will play its role to promote the interests of shipping in the world. To do so, the Association will cooperate and actively engage other maritime organisations both locally and globally.

For International

The Association will cooperate with governmental and non-governmental organisations to promote freedom and safety at sea and also to protect the marine environment.


The affairs of the Association are managed by a Council. A Council of 7 members is elected biennially by the general membership of the Association. The Council Members hold their offices for a term of three years. Among the 7 elected Council Members, they may co-opt up to six (6) Members into the Council, at least 2 of whom must be representatives of Full Members of the Association.

Our Operational Committees

The roles of the International Committee are:
  1. to address policy issues affecting international shipping and trade;
  2. to maintain relations with foreign shipping bodies to promote mutual interests to the benefit of international shipping and trade;
  3. make representations to governments or bodies, local or foreign on any policies or actions that directly or indirectly affect international shipping and trade;
  4. to represent the Association at international shipping meetings and conventions;
  5. to work with the national government on matters affecting international shipping and trade.
The roles of the Technical Committee are:
  1. to address technical, safety, security, environmental and training issues and proposals of various bodies such as but not limited to the International Maritime Organisation and the International Labour Organisation, and which may affect the shipping industry;
  2. to make representations to government departments and other relevant authorities;
  3. to work with regional and international industry associations in support of its courses of actions;
  4. to develop standards in compliance with international conventions to enhance the marine industry in Singapore.
The roles of the Services Committee are:
  1. to address the national government’s policies which affect the shipping industry in Singapore, not already addressed by the International Committee;
  2. to work with the national government on matters affecting domestic shipping and trade;
  3. to make representations to government departments, statutory bodies, industry organisations or individuals on matters relating to domestic operations and policies affecting the shipping industry;
  4. to network with other local industry organisations in furtherance of the objectives of the Association
  5. to promote Singapore’s reputation for reliability and high standards in the marine industry,
  6. to develop and conduct vocational training courses, talks, seminars and conferences to encourage greater understanding of the latest shipping developments and trends for the benefit of shore-based personnel.

Sham Jacobrao PALAURE

Chairman Senior Loss Adjuster Whitelaw Chartered Loss Adjusters and Surveyors
The roles of the Legal Committee are:
  1. to review any proposed or new international conventions and regulations directly and significantly affecting Singapore ship operators and to advise the IAMCS Council or the appropriate IAMCS Committee or Sub-Committee on their potential effect on IAMCS Members and to make recommendations as to their adoption by Singapore;
  2. to review any proposed or new Singapore legislation and regulations directly and significantly affecting Singapore ship operators and to advise the IAMCS Council or the appropriate IAMCS Committee or Sub-Committee on its potential effect on IAMCS Members and to make any recommendations;
  3. to review, as the Committee considers appropriate, legal decisions of the courts of Singapore, England and other major maritime jurisdictions brought to the attention of the Committee and directly and significantly affecting Singapore ship operators and to advise the IAMCS Council or the appropriate IAMCS Committee or Sub-Committee on their potential effect on IAMCS Members and to make any recommendations;
  4. to review marine insurance wording and market developments, and identify and seek to resolve any issues arising;
  5. to advise on ways to enhance the provision of marine insurance;
  6. to accept referrals from the the association Council and, as appropriate, from the Committees and Sub-Committees for advice on legal matters;
  7. to liaise with and make representations to the Attorney-General's Chambers and the Maritime and Port Authority and International Chamber of Shipping regarding the matters given in (1) to (6) above, but in all cases not to commit the IAMCS to any matters of policy without the prior approval of the the association Council.
The newest of the Association’s Operational Committees, the Offshore Services Committee was formed in 2015:
  1. to address all technical, safety, environmental and training issues and proposals that may affect the offshore marine industry;
  2. to address domestic and international policy guidelines, rules or regulations affecting the offshore marine industry;
  3. to make representations to governments or bodies, local or foreign, on problems or issues affecting offshore marine operations in Singapore;
  4. to work with regional and international industry associations in support of its courses of actions;
  5. to promote and protect the interests of the association offshore & marine industry members in general;
  6. to promote and enhance Singapore’s reputation as a hub for the offshore marine sector.
Under the guidance of the Councillors, the YEG will undertake the following tasks:
  1. that new YEG members are recruited on a regular basis;
  2. ensure an interesting and relevant series of networking events and programs are developed for the benefit of YEG members,
  3. maintain ongoing contact with governmental, educational or corporate organizations for suggestions on possible events and speakers,
  4. elect appropriate venues and price events to meet financial prudence,
  5. solicit sponsorships for key events.
  6. assist in any other activities that will be recommended by the IAMCS Council from time to time in order to support and achieve the objectives of IAMCS.


Chairman Mananing Director (Business Development) VCA International Loss Adjusters
The roles of the General Affairs Committee are:
  1. To handle general publications of the Association
  2. To organise social activities for the Members
  3. To deal with the news media
  4. To handle the administrative affairs of the Secretariat.